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Kids Club is a year-round aftercare program for PreK – 5th Graders that includes a snack, active play, enrichment activities, and games. Homework help and a Quiet Table are available for everyone. Kids do all activities with their grade and assigned staff.

Available 1-5 days a week, in two sessions each day:
Early 2:50 – 4:20pm and Late 4:20 – 6:00pm. 

You can register your child for just the Early or just the Late, or both Early & Late sessions of Kids Club and you can combine Kids Club and Course registrations to create the child care coverage that you need.


PreK and K students are brought in by their teachers or classroom assistants at dismissal and dropped at the correct grade table.
Grades 1-5  are dropped off in the cafeteria directly from their classroom. 
All kids have a snack (varies by day) and outdoor play time for the first session, as weather permits. Rain days are scheduled as movie days in auditorium or arts&crafts in cafeteria, carefully following the social distancing rules. 
Homework & Reading Corner is also available.
All kids that are enrolled in Early KC is dismissed from the yard at 4.20pm. If you would like to pick-up your child earlier or later (Late KC), you should sign out first from the pick-up desk at Baltic Side Outer Cafeteria with Ms. Colon. 


Kids Club fees are the same for each month regardless of the number of active days in that month. Registration and billing is by the month and not prorated, so all the new enrollments and/or changes in existing enrollments would go into effect at the start of each month. In the months of September & June, Kids Club will be pro-rated to $60 a month since these months are a shorter schedule.  All other months follow the same pricing as below. Our pricing model includes substantial discounts for multiple sessions.  We also offer a sibling discount of 20% when siblings are enrolled in the same Kids Club session.


Fees for Kids Club will be run monthly on the 15th of the month, unless otherwise noted.

Prices listed are per month


©2022-2023 by PS29+ After School Program


425 Henry St, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA

cell 917-412-0054

office 718-330-9277 x 1031

PS29+, Parents & Teachers Association of PS29, is a Non-For-Profit Organization and qualifies for tax purposes, EIN #11-2853020

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